Amendment of the Constituent Documents of a Company

In practice, there is a need arises to make changes and additions to the constituent documents of a company.

For example, when changing the company's address or increasing/decreasing the authorized capital.

Amendments and additions to the charter documents of a Company are made when changing:

  • The list of participants in an LLP change;
  • The name change;
  • The authorized capital increases/decreases;
  • The list of types of activities reflected in the charter changes;
  • The legal address changes;
  • The procedure for management and decision-making by the general meeting of participants changes;
  • Additional types of activities are introduced into the charter;
  • The passport details of the founders of the legal entity change;
  • Any other information required to be included in the Charter.

If changes are made to the Charter documents based on the grounds listed below, the re-registration of the legal entity is required:

  • Reduction of the charter capital;
  • Change of name;
  • Changes in the composition of participants in an LLP (except for economic partnerships, where the register of participants in the economic partnership is maintained by a professional participant in the securities market).

In all other cases, a notification procedure applies. Essentially, the procedures are very similar.

The deadlines for re-registration and spring changes to the constituent documents:

The deadline is up to 3 working days from the date of submission of documents to the registering authorities.

The service for amending the constituent documents includes:

  • Consultation on amending the constituent documents;
  • Support of the transaction to change the composition of participants in the partnership;
  • Preparation of the charter in a new edition and other necessary documents;
  • Checking the proposed name of the LLP for uniqueness – in case of changing the name of the legal entity;
  • Payment of the state fee for the state re-registration of the legal entity;
  • State re-registration with the authorized body;
  • Making a seal – in case of changing the name of the legal entity.

Result of the service:

  1. Making the corresponding changes to the constituent documents;
  2. Conclusion of a contract for the sale/gift agremeent in the charter capital of the company;
  3. Re-registration of the company with the authorized body.

Document preparation time: 1 - 2 working days.

We carry out re-registration for local companies and companies with foreign participation. We provide services in English, Kazakh, and Russian.

Contact us to discuss the details and receive a commercial offer.

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